Greenhouse thrips Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis Bouché (Thysanoptera; Thripidae)


Greenhouse thrips have a wide range of hosts (citrus, ornamentals), and is occasionally considered a major pest of avocados in many countries. In our country it is probably transferred to avocados from neighbouring citrus trees (it attacks ripe citrus fruits). It can complete a large number of generations during the year depending on temperature.


It is mainly found in protected microenvironments for its growth (from adverse climatic conditions such as high temperature, high light intensity and especially drought) such as the interior of the avocado canopy or in specific trees.The damage caused by thrips is related only to the aesthetic (external) appearance of the fruit and results in its qualitative degradation. Specifically, the symptoms of scarring occur on the fruits due to the sap-sucking and oviposition of the thrips, while their excretions can lead to secondary sooty mold development. Another symptom that appears on the fruits is primarily a bronze discoloration at the edges of the developing fruits or at their contact points, as well as the development of corky tissue on the surface of the fruit. In cases of severe infestation, the bark may crack. Unfortunately, the affected fruits become non-commercial.


Effective management of thrips depends on the early detection of its presence in the aboveground and timely action. Προτείνεται λοιπόν:
• Ρύθμιση της τρυφερής βλάστησης με αντίστοιχη ρύθμιση άρδευσης και λίπανσης.
• Συχνή (κάθε 7-10 ημέρες) παρακολούθηση της τρυφερής βλάστησης, των καρπιδίων αλλά και των αναπτυγμένων καρπών, κυρίως στο εσωτερικό της κόμης των δένδρων και στα σημεία επαφής καρπών για τον έγκαιρο εντοπισμό των πρώτων προσβολών του θρίπα.
• Σύντομη συγκομιδή αρχικά των προσβεβλημένων καρπών του αβοκαντεώνα ή αφαίρεση των μεγάλων καρπών από τα τσαμπιά.
• Εφαρμογή του εγκεκριμένου σκευάσματος αρχικά σε μεμονωμένα δένδρα, όπου έχουν προηγουμένως καταγραφεί πληθυσμοί του εντόμου.
• Αποφυγή αλόγιστης χρήσης εντομοκτόνων για την αποφυγή ανθεκτικότητας αλλά και επιβάρυνσης του καρπού με υπολείμματα που εξαιτίας της λιπαρότητάς του, μπορεί να τα διατηρεί.

Area of observation

Varypetro, Kera, Agyia

Thrips major Uzel (Thysanoptera; Thripidae)


Thrips major has a wide range of hosts (strawberries, citrus fruits, plums, nectarines, apricots, etc.). It is probably transferred to avocados from neighbouring citrus trees. It co-exists with other thrips species and dominates, together with Frankliniella occidentalis, avocado flowers. It completes several generations per year.


Adult and nymphs of thrips were found feeding on pollen on closed and open avocado flowers in the spring of 2024 and causing flowers to wilt and drop from their disbudding.


At the moment, It is not considered a major pest of avocados.

Area of observation

Nio Chorio, Nerokuru, Voukolies