Papachristos Dimitrios

Agronomist – Entomologist, is a researcher A at the Benakios Phytopathological Institute. He holds a Bachelor of Agriculture from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1996), a Master of Science in Plant Protection (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki: 1998) and a PhD in Entomology (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki: 2002). He has carried out Postdoctoral Research as a scholarship holder of the State Scholarship Foundation (2006-2008) at the University of Thessaly on the interactions of insects of the family Tephritidae with their host plants. His research focuses on the study of the effects of plant secondary metabolism substances on insect bioecology, development and behaviour, the study of the bioecology and effects of insecticides on beneficial insects, the study of the demography and population dynamics of harmful insects, the investigation of the level of adaptability of species of the family Tephritidae to different species and varieties of fruit trees and the study of the bioecology of quarantine insects and the development of monitoring and management networks. To date, he has published more than 100 articles ( and has carried out numerous research projects ( His role in the project will be the management of insect pests in avocado cultivation.