The main objective of ELGO-DIMITRA is the development and/or support of actions aimed at the modernization and development of the country’s agricultural sector, the improvement of production processes, the enhancement of competitiveness, the certification of quality agricultural products and foodstuffs, the establishment and certification of good agricultural practices and controls in the production and distribution chain of milk and meat in the country.

The individual sectors in which ELGO-DIMITRA is active are: the promotion of innovation, the conduct of research, the dissemination of knowledge, technology and advisory services in all sectors of the agri-food chain, the provision of agricultural vocational education and training, the protection of origin and identity, etc. At the same time, the main mission of the Agency is to provide scientific and technical support to the Ministry of Rural Development Food in the planning and support of the implementation of its policy in the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy, as well as in the formulation of positions on issues under consideration in the Council and other competent bodies of the European Union.

The Institute of Olive tree, Subtropical Crops and Viticulture (IOSV) belongs to the Hellenic Agricultural Organization “DIMITRA”/ELGO-DIMITRA” (Ministry of Rural Development Food) and has significant experience in research projects (national EU) including LIFE, Interreg IV, Archimed, PIP, EREUNO-KAINOTOMO-DIMIOURGO, ELIDEK, PAA etc. and significant research experience as evidenced by numerous publications on olive, citrus and subtropical crops, etc.

The activities of the Entomology Laboratory of the Institute of Olive Subtropical Plants & Viticulture (Chania) ( are mainly related to applied research studies, developing modern methods or improving existing methods of dealing with insect pests in collaboration with other research/educational institutions.

The survey includes:

  • Studies on the biology of insect pests and their beneficial insects on the main crops of Crete (olive, avocado, citrus and vegetables).
  • Integrated pest management and biological control.
  • Biodiversity studies.
  • Practices for the protection of beneficial insect fauna.
  • Evaluation of new active ingredients against insect pests in the laboratory and in semi-field and large fields.
  • The effect of insecticides on beneficial insects and pollinators.
  • Insect rearing for behavioural experiments and insecticide bioassays
  • Modernisation of plant protection using technology and automation related to existing and newly introduced insect pests of olive, citrus and avocado crops.

Members of the Entomology laboratory

Varikou Kiki

Entomology Researcher

Nikolakakis Antonios

External Associate - Agronomist

Petrakis Ioannis

External Associate - Agronomist

Bitsakis Dimitris

Agronomist - external collaborator

The Plant Pathology Laboratory of the Institute of Olive trees, Subtropical crops and Viticulture ( focuses on the treatment of crop diseases caused by plant pathogens and non-pathogens (viruses/viruses, fungi, bacteria), aiming at the protection and sustainable management of plant genetic resources. Research areas include:

  • Disease diagnosis, study and characterisation of new-emerging pathogens.
  • Optimisation/development of new diagnostic tools using innovative technologies.
  • Study of the epidemiology, genetic evolutionary relationships and population structure, and biology of plant pathogens.
  • Study of plant pathogen-host interactions and identification of the role of plant genes in pathogenesis, for the development of new methods of disease management.
  • Study of microbiome and characterization of beneficial endophytic microorganisms, identification of interactions with plant pathogens and their involvement in defense mechanisms, as modern methods of control using biological agents.

Members of the Plant Pathology Laboratory:

Mathioudakis Matthaios

Plant Pathology Researcher

Kavroulakis Nektarios

Agricultural Microbiology Researcher

The Subtropical Laboratory ( deals with applied research on subtropical tree species that can be cultivated in Greece.

In more detail:

  • Ex situ conservation and enrichment of the National Collections of Avocado, Prickly Pear, Prickly Pear, Mango, Mango, Carob, Banana, Cherimoya,
    Pecan, Date Palm, Fezoa, Guava, Carambola, Carambola, Macadamia and Litchi
  • Study of the physiology of subtropical species in Greek climatic conditions
  • Supervision of nutrient and irrigation needs of crops, pest and disease control.
  • Creation and evaluation of new varieties and rootstocks, with the aim of improving earliness and adaptability to new climatic conditions, improving quality and developing resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses.
  • Maintenance and production of healthy plant propagating material.
  • Study and application of advanced propagation methods (in vitro and hydroponics).
  • Study and evaluation of innovative formulations to increase crop yields through agronomic measurements and nutrient monitoring.

Members of the Subtropical Laboratory:

Tzatzani Teresa

Subtropical researcher