The Benaki Phytopathological Institute ( ) is a Public Law Entity (N.P.D.D.), supervised by the Ministry of Rural Development Food. Today, the Institute covers the whole spectrum of plant protection, plant health and agrochemicals, while studying and proposing measures for safety and quality in primary production, as well as minimizing its potential impact on the environment and humans. In addition, it responds directly to the increased needs of Greek agriculture. It acts as a direct and effective partner of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, both in addressing the problems that arise in the country and in responding to its obligations towards the EU. The research activity of the BPI is determined by the needs of Greek agriculture and the problems to be addressed. The aim is the integrated management of agricultural production, the production of competitive and quality agricultural products, with procedures that are safe for the environment, the consumer of agricultural products and the worker in agricultural production. It is the Competent Authority for the control of the purchase of agricultural drugs, in terms of identity (inappropriate and illegal products) with the Central National Laboratory for Chemical Control of Agricultural Drugs, for the control of residues of agricultural drugs in fresh and processed products with the National Reference Laboratory for the Control of Agricultural Drug Residues for the Control and Evaluation of Biocidal Products. The laboratories of the Scientific Directorates of Entomology and Agricultural Zoology and Plant Pathology have been designated as the National Reference Laboratories for insects, mites, nematodes, fungi, bacteria and viruses. The BPI laboratories apply a Quality Assurance System in their experimental testing and are currently ISO 17025 accredited by the National Accreditation System (NAS) to carry out a range of experimental tests.

The Laboratory of Agricultural Entomology of the BPI carries out research on morphology, morphometrics, systematics, phylogeny, biodiversity, zoogeography, spatio-temporal distribution, biology, ecology and behaviour of various insects of agricultural importance and implements a number of international and national research projects. The laboratory contributes to plant protection by developing modern methods for the control of harmful insects (physical, biological, biotechnical, chemical and their combinations) and to plant hygiene by performing risk analyses and developing modern diagnostic tools and early detection methods for harmful quarantine insects. At the same time, the Agricultural Entomology Laboratory provides insect infestation diagnosis and insect identification services. It has been designated as a National Reference Laboratory for plant harmful insects and is certified by the National Accreditation System (NAS) according to ISO 17025 for conducting experimental tests.

Members of the BPI:

Papachristos Dimitrios

Entomology Researcher